Working at Vietnam Royal Investment Group



Following the guiding principle: Thanks to the people – For people, the Board of Leaders of Vietnam Royal Investment Group always exert to the utmost to improve the working environment and renew corporate culture under the guideline of promoting capacity and the quintessence of the employees, the Board of Leaders listens and understands the thoughts as well as aspirations of the employees in different forms, promptly making plans to change in accordance with the actual situation and in society in order to convey a positive energy source, enthusiasm to all employees, thereby the employees are easy-going to create new ideas contributing to the development of the Group. Each employee is an indispensable piece of the whole Royal Family picture.


VRI GROUP Develops businesses with the beliefs of customers and the ethics of the employees, give prominence to the humanity and discipline, the leader- employee, employee-employee, employee-customer relationships. Leadership and staff collaborate on an attitude of respect, understanding, and exchanging. Leaders receive proposals and reports from employees. Employees are responsible for completing the assigned work and dealing directly with customers. The strict working process avoids the misunderstand situation among employees and leaders causing conflicts, nconsistency, and promoting the spirit of respect, self-esteem and responsibility for the working content. Employees are always called to attention to be kind, sociable and friendly at work. Royal Vietnam Investment Group is proud to be a family.


Vietnam Royal Investment Group is incessantly acquire new and reformed things to be ready for the quintessence of development of the times. VRI GROUP built an environment with all the achievements of the Group and the modern, liberal, youthful spirit of the new era, cherishing all new ideas. Each individual promotes their own roles and capacities to reinforce the foundation for the general solid development of the Group. Over the past 20 years, thanks to this guideline, the group has expanded operations in many sectors, from real estate, resort tourism to media and entertainment.


Nâng tầm chuẩn sống Việt cùng Royal Group

Sharing the same vision, mission of all employees and core values of the VRI Group


The Royal Team is always doing their best and continuously improving to gain better quality of work, self-improvement in professional capacity to contribute to the group, seriously participating in workshops, training, professional training. Most importantly, leaders always create favorable conditions for employees to develop their capabilities and have opportunities for career advancement.


The Team always makes an effort to work creatively toward a common goal that contributes to the Success – prosperity of the Group. Understanding the importance of all employees in the group to develop together, Royal Investment Group Vietnam always has policies to motivate the spirit of all members to unify ideas, strategic ways, all work together, to aim to achieve success.


VRI GROUP strives to build solidarity, close relationships of leader-employee, colleague-colleague. There are many employees who have been worked for the Group for 20 years, from the very first days of formation. Along with those essential factors, Royal Vietnam Investment Group gradually develops and expands the number of employees, the long-term employees guide the newbiers, the newbiers learn from the experience of the long-term employees. Everyone tries to contribute to the common goals, to dedicate themselves to VRI Group.